Friday 10 April 2009

I Need A Hair Cut

Well, I do.

I couldn't think of a title for the blog, so I thought a little home truth would suffice.
I am insanely BORED. Yesterdays meal was pretty good, had some nice Carbonara, and got a bit pissed with the family and the best mate (Abby). We went back to mine and classically played Trivial Pursuit, which is the longest, most brain numbing game in the world. The only thing with the meal was, because it was my birthday, on the presentation of my I.D, I got my meal for free. This wasn't the problem, but because they knew it was my birthday, they bought my desert out with a sparkler in it, and put a really cheesy rendition of HAPPY BIRTHDAY on on the soundsystem. I sat there, mortified, with everyone looking at me. The waitress stood next to me, and clapped in time to the music for about 5 seconds, then realised that everyone was a bit too shocked to join in and stopped. Abby loved it, and even started doing a little dance next to me. I attempted to hiss 'stop it' out of the corner of my mouth. All in all, that was pretty weird. I was so embaressed and confused I attempted to blow the sparkler out. I must have looked really special.

I went to town today though, with a nice hangover, to spend my birthday money. I got loads. Sooo much, and still had fifty quid left over. I'm proper impressed with myself, because usually, I spend money here and there on stuff that doesnt match, or has no place in my wardrobe. E.g: 'I really fancy a pair of navy blue braces'.


But yeah, I did well today.

I don't have much interesting to say, sorry. I had a horrible dream last night where I was swimming the River Thames (this would never occur, as I'm mortally afraid of whats in water), and the big bridge collapsed on me. Sorry for the use of the term 'Big Bridge' but the name of it escapes me right now and my geography is piss poor anyway. I was really excited last night when I got a blue geography cheese in Trivial Pursuit. In all fairness, the question was 'What is the color of the cross on the Swedish flag?'.
I think it was Swedish, anyway. My memory is horrific today. Probably because of the massive wine consumption last night.

I dont know if I mentioned, but I hurt my ankle the other day when I was running. I've not got a clue what I've done to it, but its killing me. I spent today in town, limping around like someone who limps.
I even didn't use the upstairs toilets at McDonalds because I thought it was too much of a task. Before you know it i'll be applying for a parking space.

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