Saturday 11 April 2009

A Blog For Tasha

I wasn't going to blog today because I've been quite busy, but my friend Tasha got on my case on MSN and asked where today's blog was, so I thought I'd better get on with it.

When I say I've been busy, I've not been doing anything interesting. When people say they've been busy, either difficult or exciting things pop into my head. E.g. essays (they come under the category of difficult, not exciting. I'm not a complete knob head), or fun stuff like going to Pleasure Island, eating six cream eggs and throwing up on the terror rack.

Today I put all my new clothes away, and cleaned out my makeup bag. Then I started my essay, because I desperately want to get it out of the way so I can start revising. Then Mum came and interupted and asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner. I got quite excited at this stage, until she said we were going to Morrisons cafe. I went anyway, and had a pretty nice lasange.

I started my new book yesterday. I was trying to read it in the kitchen. Big mistake. My Dad can be really irritating at times. And I mean really irritating. He was tormenting my little sister, who was screaming her head off, but not just normal screaming, really whiney oh-my-god-thats-going-right-through-me screaming.


I was sat there with a face like this

Eventually I got really annoyed and went upstairs. My new book, for anyone that actually cares about books, which I understand is a limited few these days, is called the Book Thief, and is completely narrated by the Grim Reaper/Death (LOL AT MY MUMS FACE WHEN I TOLD HER THIS. I think she thinks I'm some sort of satanist now), and set in Nazi Germany. Its pretty cool so far, but i'll blog a little review when I've finished it.

I've come to two conclusions today.

I want a little turtle. I've just been watching Finding Nemo and the baby sea turtle is probably the cutest thing ever. I have another request concerning the turtle, if anyone wants to buy me one, but it has to be able to say 'Dude' and 'Sweet' like the one in the film, or it will not be allowed to live in my room.

My second conclusion - ... oh shit, I've lost it. No seriously I dont know what my second conclusion is.

I watched Pirates of the Carribean last night with the family before I went to bed, and before I went to bed I had a nice text off my boyfriend, whom is currently in France and being missed very much by me, so thats nice.

I've also got to mention this because I'm buzzing for her. NICE ONE TO MY FRIEND MAGI FOR FINALLY GETTING WITH PAUL. We've all been waiting for this to happen and it finally has so HUZZAH for her and Paul.

I'm babysitting tonight, so I better get a move on really and wrap this up.

Remember - talking turtle, if you love me...

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