Thursday 10 September 2009

A New House, And A Few Home Truths

I have a brilliant quote for you guys today.

'Friendship? Loyalty? They're just old fusty words to you, aren't they? Like sixpence or codpiece' - Mark Corrigan, Peep Show.

These words will set the tone for today's blog. I've been very busy recently. On Tuesday I moved into my new house in Lincoln, ready for a fun filled freshers week and my next stage of academic career.

On arriving back at Uni I recieved the unpleasant fact that a supposed freind of mine had been keeping her mouth busy round my ex boyfreind. Now, the first thing to say is that I'm not a bunny boiler. I can understand when shit is over, and I don't beg, plead, or dwell publicly. I keep shtum, and I move the fuck on. I don't mind what my ex does, but I would appreciate it if he had the curtosey and discretion to keep it out of my circle of freinds, and off my fucking front door.

I went to a party when I got back, which was great. It was good to see everyone again, bar my said 'freind'. Given a few G'n T's I decided I had better bloody confront her, or else sit there and simmer casting occasional dark looks about, as she clearly didn't have the balls to tell me herself.

Unfortunately, what with me being the occasionally drunk and blunt person that I am, my opening line to our big chat was: 'So, I understand you sucked off my ex?'. Brilliant ice breaker, I'd say. Or ice creator, I'm not entirely sure; either way it gets things going doesn't it?

Now I'm not sure about you guys, but I've been told by multitudinous people that the way I have dealt with this from here on out is admirable. I have kept my hands in my pockets, and my attitude to a minimum. I've not been able to stop the sarcasm, unfortunately. Despite the many apologies I recieved from this person, the fact still remained that a line was crossed, and its pretty irrevokable. Loyalty to me is bloody important. Its a big part of who I am. I don't face life with the naivety that I once did, thinking of people as generally decent, and generally good, despite everything; but I still do expect a little bit of respect to come my way once in a while, when I am decent to people myself.

That's my rant over; and let it just suffice to say I'm going to move on from this, and keep dropping my occasional sarcastic comment to keep myself amused/satisfied. My favourite so far has been 'Hey ____ I think you left your concience in the living room :)'.

So I left my job, obviously to get back to Uni. My boss said 'So, what have you learned from this?' What have I learned? Just so you know, I worked in a mobile phone shop for the summer. This mobile phone shop happened to be placed in a town which is populated by considerable old people. So what did I learn.. I learnt there are some severally strange people in the older generation. Most of them were nothing extraordinary. The same line, all the time usually

'I dont want anything fancy, m'duck. None of this yellowtooth or whatever it is, no satellite T.V built in. I just want to make calls, and I dont want to send texters'

The little shit head inside of me is screaming this the whole time: 'Its bluetooth, no phones have TV's in them, and there really is no need for you to raise your voice, Vera'.

But then there's been some real weirdo's. One bloke came in, and he was dressed like this:

He called me 'darlin'', for starters, which is never good when you're speaking to me, but I had to find this guy hilarious. Because, I kid you not, his phone rang, okay, and it was this:

At that point I cracked and had to pretend I was going to sneeze so I could run in the back and shake uncontrollably with laughter. He probably thought my face was spazaming. On leaving he said 'See ya later darlin', go home, make a BBQ and get drunk, in that order' and then he winked, and walked off, leaving me completely astounded at the amazing array of people that actually exist even though you think they cannot possibly be real.

So what did I learn? I learnt that The Doors had it right. People ARE strange.
Peace x

1 comment:

  1. Had it been me , you know , that person would have got one hell of a slap. And yeah , keep the sarcasm going , its sooo funny :) x
